Sunday, June 8, 2014

Jual Zipdrain Untuk Drainase Roof Garden

ZipDrain merupakan material drainase yang terdiri atas lembar HDPE (warna hitam, tidak tembus air) dan Geotextile Non Woven (warna putih, tembus air berfungsi sebagai filter).

jual Zipdrain rooftop graden planter box 0812 108 3060

jual material drainase roof garden 0812 108 3060

Fungsi dari ZipDrain ini adalah sebagai bahan pelapis yang mencegah meresapnya air ke lapisan di bawahnya dan menahan butiran tanah agar tidak terbawa.
ZipDrain digunakan pada : Rooftop garden (taman di atas beton), Atriums, Planter boxes dan Landscaping.

Spesifikasi Nylex Zipdrain :

spesifikasi nylex zipdrain roof garden planter box

Informasi harga dan penjualan Zipdrain :

Marketing Manager
PT Multibangun Rekatama Patria

Hp. 0812 108 3060

email :

Nylex Zipdrain is designed as a flexible subsoil drainage mat for roof gardens, landscape decks or plazas
and pianter boxes.

Weighing less than 1 kg/m2,zipdraain reduces the loading on concrete decks as compared with gravel drainage layers. This ligh weight material also eases transportation and handling.

Zipdrain has a free surface that is at least 90% permeable to water, and has a high flow rate of 60 lt/min/m at 1% hydraulic gradient, allowing it to efficiently drain off seepage water.

Zipdrain has a compressive strengt of 200kN/m2 and can withstand installation loads and soil loadings. Its 1.0 metre width saves installation time and can be cut to fit any shape or profile.